Friday, January 8, 2010

Oh My heck

Today I had an "Oh my HECK" moment. I was at the Cheesecake Factory and our waiter came up to me and said, " I never do this, but do you see many famous people?" Now except for the occassional Donny Osmond sighting, no I don't see a lot of famous people. He then continued to tell us the Jon Gosselin from Jon and Kate plus eight was there. My first response? "Oh my heck, shut up! Are you lying?"

Obviously I don't meet many famous people if I am excited to see him. He then told us exactly where he was sitting in the restaurant and that we needed to hurry if we were going to see him because he was getting ready to leave. Well that's all I needed to get me out of my seat and walking toward him. My mom hurried and got up too and my kind dad offered to stay with Lex because he didn't need to see the guy from the "Notebook". (I am telling you right now that if it had been the guy from the Notebook I would have done a lot more than causally walk by his table.)

Now you would think that I would have been a little dignified in walking by his table. Not me!! I laughed and smiled the WHOLE time I was trying to act "causual". He looked at us once, (I think out of pity), and then we went in the bathroom. Our first reaction? "Oh my heck it was him!"

Once I got back to the table I was beside myself. All I had was my camera phone to take a picture. Now how obvious would I look if I pointed a camera at him? By the time I had my stakeout decided I stand up and he's gone!! Oppurtunity to make money by selling his picture to a tabloid gone!

But as soon as we stood up to leave guess who we were walking out with? HIM!! (When I say walking out with what I really mean is that I saw him walking towards the door and I grabbed Lex's arm and ran as fast as I could. Even if it meant dragging Lex from behind). I was like 2 feet away from him and I throw my phone to my dad and tell him to take a picture. He got embarrassed and chickened out! But we did follow him out of the parking lot and I got some awesome pictures of the back of his car.

Now my mom and dad were a little shocked at my reaction. After all he's not really that famous. But at least I learned some valuable lessons today. Always bring a camera with you because you never know who you are going to meet. And I definetly need more of the "Oh my heck" moments in my life."


James and Cassidee said...

Thats really cool. I am team Jon.

Angie said...

Now that is neat! I would have been star struck. You remember when I was talking to Bob Evans and couldn't even find my words? Imagine if I were with you? Love it!

Angie said...

If I were with you I would have taken a picture and not chickened out.

Lesley said...

OH my heck. I totally lOVED that show. I think I have seen every episode. He comes here for the snowboarding, if I remember my Jon and Kate+8 right, and I do. You are lucky. I would have been totally star struck. Awesome

We Are A Happy Family said...

I love it! An experience to last a lifetime.

MJ said...

You lucky duck! I'll trade you, I saw Donny O at the mall a couple of weeks ago and all I could think was, "Oh, My Heck! He is OLD!!!!"

Tina said...

Team Kate! Cool that you saw him though. I would have acted like a complete dork. :)

Unknown said...

You are stinkin funny girl!!!! I love your posts. You do need more oh my heck moments, because this one is pretty pathetic. Go to Hollywood and get a real "Oh my heck" moment.! PS Lexie looks just like me!

Natalie said...

This post totally cracked me up! I can TOTALLY see you doing this. Haha! Fun times.