Thursday, March 18, 2010

Lessons Learned

You know how they say that you should "lead by example," when teaching your kids? Well my motto around here is "Do as I say, not as I do." I learned this the hard way last week.

Pk has a tendency to lose things. He does not keep track of anything and then afterwards tells me that is wasn't that important to begin with. Two weeks ago he lost his wallet that had about 6 dollars in it. I said, "Pk that is a lot of money, how did you lose your wallet?" He then told me that 6 dollars wasn't that much money mom, so he didn't care. I then said that it may have only been 6 dollars but he should think about how long it took him to get that 6 dollars.

A couple of nights later Chad gave the kids their money for doing their chores. Pk got down from the dinner table and there by his plate was 3 dollars. So I decided that this would be the perfect time to teach him a lesson and I took the money and hid it. He didn't even notice for two days and then he came up to me and said, "Mom I know you took my money where did you put it." I said, "I don't know Pk. I am not going to give it back to you until you find your wallet." Chad heard me and said, "Come on Pk I will go help you find it."

As soon as they left the room I started to panic. I could not for the life of me remember where I had put his money! I tried to think and think of where I put it, praying that they wouldn't find his wallet. (I know that's a terrible thing to think). But I needed more time!! After about 10 minutes Pk came in with a huge smile on his face saying that dad had found it behind his dresser. "Where did you put my money mom?" My reply was "Gee I don't know Pk where do YOU think I put your money?" I was stalling, yes I was. Pk said, "Well mom I think you put it behind the computer because that's where I saw you put it." I look over and sure enough there was 3 dollars sticking out from behind the computer. I told him he could go get it, but that he needed to take better care of his things.

The whole time I was giving this speech I was trying not to laugh thinking how stupid I sounded. I was trying to teach him a lesson about how to take care of his things, and I can't keep track of his lousy 3 dollars. The good thing is that Pk never knew this occured. The bad thing is that I know, and now I am done trying to teach anybody a lesson. I always end up teaching it to myself instead!


Annie said...

Michelle, Can I just tell you how much I enjoy reading your blog! As I read I can totally hear you telling the story. Thanks, for making me always smile!

We Are A Happy Family said...

ou gave me a great big belly laugh. How I wish you and I were closer on the map. Miss you guys.

Koreena said...

Michelle, that's hilarious!!! You can always blame the pregnancy, that's what I do. And when I'm not pregnant I just blame motherhood. :)

Scott Fam Dam said...

I love it!!!! I laughed so hard. It is so true, we are always trying to teach our kids lessons and we usually end up getting slapped in the face (not literally). I love it!

Amor said...

Oii td bem?
Adorei seu blog,da uma passadinha no meu.
espero vc lá,sempre passarei por aqui.