Friday, September 25, 2009

That motherly touch

When you have a daughter you think they are going to grow up to be loving and sweet and gentle. You imagine that when they play with their baby dolls they will walk around with them with a tender touch. Not this little girl. You give her a doll and this is what happens:

The game was to see who could throw their babies down the stairs the fastest.
The poor doll hitting every step on her way down.

This is how the babies ended up. Lex and Mya would laugh and laugh as they did this over and over. I guess this is what happens when you have two older brothers that probably taught her this game. Maybe the gentleness and caring come the older you get. Maybe?


Jason and Jen said...

my daughter is 6 and I still haven't seen it!

Koreena said...

Thanks for the laugh.

My daughter is totally way rougher than Matty. Must be something we grow out of . . .eventually.

Lesley said...

That is funny! My sister and law and I were just talking about how natural it is when you see a little girl feeding her doll a pretend bottle! Ha! You got to love the little stinkers!

by the way I loved your dance post! soooo funny!

Scott Fam Dam said...

I love that little girl!