Friday, January 29, 2010

The imaginary friend

Lately Lex has been talking about her friend Jenni. Lex has no friends that are named Jenni so I asked her who she was. Well apparently Jenni is a boy and he plays with her all the time. WHAT THE CRAP!!!!!

So I got a little freaked out and started asking her more questions. Jenni flies in the air and flushes Lex down the toilet when she goes to the bathroom. And Lex considers him a friend? She is always talking to him and in the grocery store she tells me stuff to buy that she thinks Jenni will like. Now I know that some people might consider this to be cute or sweet but Not ME! I think its weird and to tell you the truth a little bit creepy. I feel like at any moment she is going to have an exorcist moment where her head starts spinnng in circles as she repeats the name Jenni over and over.

I know that I am being a little dramatic and there are lots of kids that have imaginary friends. (None that I know of though). I don't know if this means that she is going to be very creative when she grows up, or that she is going to need a lot of therapy as she gets older. Whatever it is I just wish she would stop telling me about it. I don't want to have nightmares at night.


MJ said...

Loved this post! (You need to be a writer!)

When Lexa was little she had an imaginary horse that went everywhere with us. When we were driving in the car, it would be tied to the bumper. One time I was on the freeway and she started crying because she said we were going too fast and the horse couldn't keep up. I guess it was dragging along behind us somewhere.

Well, at least our girls can go to therapy together!

Jen said...

Has she started blaming Jenni whenever she gets into trouble? By the way, I agree, you are a good writer! I love reading your stories, you tell everything so good!

Ashley and Ryan said...

Haha!! I am the same way I would be scared too! Like um is jenni in the room with us... haha!! by the way I so second the writing thing too!! Well i guess i would be thirding it!! But that is funny and I love reading your post as I have told you time and time again but you are so funny!! MISS YOU!!!!!!

We Are A Happy Family said...

Yes, very good writer. I love it Lexi. Wishing you many good nights sleep

Brad said...

This is how the kid in The Shining started out....REDRUM! REDRUM!

skeltd said...

You are so funny. I totally agree with MJ. You need to be a writer you are so funny and extreamly creative.

Earl & Girls said...

I love your stories. It makes my day. And I agree, imaginary friends are creepy but I'm sure she's just being creative.

Koreena said...

Matty's had imaginary friends off and on, but it's rarely the same one twice. He always tells me he knows it's not real he's just playing pretend. I guess that makes me feel better. I had an imaginary dog in grade school. I guess you decide if I turned out alright. ;)

Alix said...

i like your story