Thursday, October 9, 2008

Stay at Home Mom's RULE

I've had a really eye opening experience the last two days. I went to my night class, where they started talking about stay at home mom's. They said that if I lived outside of Utah, I would be looked at as weird. I raised my hand and replied, "I don't think I would be considered weird. I would think they would say that I was Lucky."

Then today I went to my afternoon class. Don't remember how we got on the subject, (Don't think I was paying attention), but all I heard was someone say that all that stay at home mom's do is sit on their butt and make brownies for their kids, and bug their kids teacher's because they are bored and have nothing better to do! What the crap!!! This, coming from some punk eighteen year old boy, yes I did say boy, who has probably never experienced anything in his life. And how would he know what they do all day?

So, I say that we ROCK! Who else would want to deal with tantrums, and yelling, and the chocolate stains on their shirts! (But, in all fairness the chocolate stains are from me, not my children)!! We do laundry, and cook, and clean, and yes sometimes I even talk to my childrens teacher's! It's out of love, not boredom. And I wish that I could sit around all day being bored and eating brownies! But if I did that then I would have to share the brownies with my children, which I don't intend on doing. My point is, whether you work or stay at home people need to stop having misconceptions about both!

And while we are at it, does anyone have a really good brownie recipe? HA HA!!


nora.lakehurst said...

What the??? Ok where is this little boy? I wanna take him out ;) No but seriously gosh. Rude and inconsiderate let me tell you my friend. I don't sit around all day and eat brownies. Goodness if I did that then I would be a size xxxxxxxl and need a cart for me tummy.
If he wants he can play "mommy" all day long here with all the kids from your class and see how well he does. ;)

K well here is my favorite recipe


1 c. sugar
1 stick butter
1 c. flour
4 eggs
1 lg. can Hershey syrup
1/2 tsp. baking powder

Cream butter and sugar. Add rest of ingredients and mix well. Bake in greased 15 x 10 pan.


1 1/2 c. sugar
6 tbsp. milk
6 tbsp. butter
1 tsp. vanilla

Boil for 45 seconds. Remove from heat. Add 1/2 cup chocolate chips. Beat. Spread on brownies.

YUMMIE but I make a cream cheese frosting. Or I take it out and while still warm I cut it put vanilla icecream and then home made hot fudge and home made carmle. Ooooooooooooooooo Man you are making me hungry RUDE ;)

Koreena said...

Amen!! I think it's just about impossible for someone to understand how hard the job is unless they've had it. My dad used to think my mom sat around and at bon-bons all day while watching soaps. So not the life of a stay at home mom!! I hope some day that 18-year-old gets a glimpse of what his future wife does and eats his words!

We Are A Happy Family said...

Well put Michelle. I am thankful for every minute that I have to stay home and volunteer at my children's schools. I want to be there. I am also thankful that I know what is going on in my childrens lives. I did not have kids for someone else to raise.
I want to give them the best of me. How could I do that if I worked 8 hours and then came home to house cleaning and making dinners.

Scott Fam Dam said...

Kudos to you Michelle! I am so proud of you for saying something in class. You Rock! Tell your teacher that outside of UT we aren't considered weird, however, there are many who take position with that "boy". But many who consider us fortunate enough to stay home. Many woman have to work and would much rather be at home watching their kids grow. Out here in Jolly Ol' England people look at me as if I have no other choice but to stay at home, with 4 children someone has to be there to raise them all! I am revered and a freak show all at the same time. I love it!

Lisa said...

i found your blog off of marion's. (This is lisa ward by the way). i'll have to read your blog and catch up with you family. hope you are having fun with your family.

MJ said...

Shell, you rock!

I have a really great brownie recipe that I hope you will make and take to class. Give that boy a really big one.

1 Boxed Brownie mix
Plenty of EX-LAX

Mix together and bake according to directions on the box.

I'll make them if you deliver them!

By the way, I lived out of state for 2 years and nobody ever acted like I was weird. They actually said they wished they could stay home with their kids. And a lot of moms do stay home these days. It's called a traditional family lifestyle.

Hey, lets deliver some of the "brownies" to your professor who likes to say his wife is dumb too.

I have no idea how to spell exlax but you get the idea:)

Hmachine said...

I totally agree. I've lived out of state for about 6 years now and NOBODY has thought I'm weird. They all say I'm so lucky to be able to stay at home with my kids. I think whoever said that, hasn't experienced "outside of Utah" as a stay at home mom.

:) You're awesome and stay at home mom's do RULE!!