Saturday, August 8, 2009

Road Trip

This past week we took a very unexpected road trip to Tuscon, Az. When I say unexpected we found out at 5:00 pm on Tues. and left at 8:00 am on Wed. so that we could be there by Thurs. To get there it is a twelve hour drive and to do it all in one day SUCKED! But the kids were great and excited on the way there, and not so excited and great on the way back. But we had a really eventful, fun, tiring three days. Lex with her pretty purple purse that our friends gave her and she loves it. She never leaves home without it.

Lex with chocolate all over her face. She was so hyper on the way down that we finally had to tell her to talk to herself.

Chad so happy to be driving. This was hour 6!

Us at the Lake Powell dam.

The dam at Lake Powell. We got out of the car on the way there so the kids could walk across the dam. Pk kept telling me how creepy it was and Tan kept saying that you would "definetly" die if you fell off. Why Yes Tan I think you would!
My most favorite place LAKE POWELL!! It reminds me so much of when I was younger going there with our boat as a family that I was thrilled to be there again.

Pk had just gotten dunked so he was trying to catch his breath.

Lex and Tan chilling in the hot tub. Tan was really tired.

The kids finally asleep after going swimming three different times that day. (Chad had the car for a couple of hours so that's all me and the kids could do)!

The GRAND CANYON!!! We decided on our way home that we were only 30 miles away so we should go. Totally worth it, I just wished we could have stayed a little bit longer.

Me and the kids at the Grand Canyon. Yes I was a little bit onery can you tell?

Here they are walking back to the car after the Grand Canyon. None of us wanted to get back into that car.
To travel over 24 hours in 3 days is not ideal but we still managed to have some fun. Although I never want to step foot back into my car, and I don't think my bum will ever be the same.


Annie said...

Love the pictures and glad you got to see some great sites. I have not been to any of those places but looks like fun.

We Are A Happy Family said...

ds like you made the best of a bad drive. Glad you made it home.

MJ said...

The kids look so cute all tucked into one bed! Glad you are back! Girls night out coming right up!!

Scott Fam Dam said...

At least you were willing to stop on see the sights along the way. Harvey drives right by them and says, "Maybe next time!" Always in a hurry to get home!